Vertex surface node

Manually adds or edits attributes on vertices (rather than on points).

Example of manipulation:
    vertex/cr = $BBX
    vertex/cg = $CG2
    vertex/cb = $CB - $CB2


Local variables

PT, NPT Point number and total number of points.
PR, NPR Primitive number & total number of primitives.
VTX, NVTX Vertex number & total number of vertices.
CEX, CEY, CEZ Centroid of the geometry.
BBX, BBY, BBZ Relative position of point within bounding box. Values are mapped between 0 and 1.
TX, TY, TZ Point position.
NX, NY, NZ Point or vertex normal directions.
MAPU, MAPV, MAPW Point or vertex texture coordinates.
CR, CG, CB Diffuse point or vertex color.
CA Point or vertex alpha value.
CREASE Point or vertex crease weight value.
PT2, NPT2, etc Append 2 for the second source. 

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